Scientists claim Viagra could new miracle cure for blindness 科學家宣稱,威而鋼可能是新的失明奇蹟療法

Scientists claim erectile dysfunction medication Viagra could actively repair damaged eyes and stop further loss of vision.


Tests by researchers at Colombia University in New York suggest the anti-impotence drug could halt age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. It is the most common cause of blindness in individuals over the age of 55 in developed countries


In the US study, five elderly patients with AMD were given two Viagra pills a day for two years. The results showed the drug improved vision for one participant and completely halted deterioration for the others.


Professor Sobha Sivaprasad from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists said the Viagra findings were encouraging, although the study was small. "We now need bigger studies to replicate these findings before Viagra can be used as a treatment," she cautioned.

