Chile enacts historic ban on plastic bags

Chile made history on Friday when it became the first country in South America to ban the commercial use of plastic bags. "I want to share with you the joy that as of today we’re enacting the law," said President Sebastian Pinera at a public ceremony in the centre of Santiago. 智利週五創造歷史,成為南美洲第一個禁止商用塑膠袋的國家。「我想與你們分享這份喜悅:今天我們頒佈了這項法律,」總統皮涅拉在(首都)聖地牙哥的公開儀式上說。 Large businesses have six months to phase out the use of plastic bags, while smaller ones will be given two years to adopt the new rules. It means that any form of plastic bag other than those constituting primary packaging "necessary for hygiene or to prevent food wastage" are prohibited. 大企業有6個月時間逐步停用塑膠袋,較小商家則將給予2年緩衝期適用新規定。這表示,除了那些「因衛生需要或避免食物浪費」而形成的基本包裝外,任何形式的塑膠袋都將禁用。 Those flouting the ban will be subject to a $370 fine, in a country where the minimum wage is just $800. In the meantime, companies will be limited to handing out a maximum of two plastic bags per transaction. 藐視該禁令者將處以370美元罰鍰,而該國最低薪資只有800美元。在此期間,公司行號將限制每次交易最多只能發送2個塑膠袋。 Chile has been one of the countries leading the way in Latin America against the use of plastic bags. In 2014 the government banned them in Chilean Patagonia and last year extended that to coastal areas. Chile’s problem has reached epic proportions with 3.2 billion plastic bags used every year - some 200 per person. Some 90 percent of them end up in landfill sites or the sea. 智利是拉丁美洲國家禁用塑膠袋的開路先鋒之一。2014年,政府禁止在智利巴塔哥尼亞區使用塑膠袋,去年擴及海岸區。智利的問題非常嚴峻,每年使用32億個塑膠袋,平均每人用掉200多個。其中約90%最後落到垃圾掩埋場或大海。
